Eucharist Elevation at Mass

In the spirit of the Eucharistic Revival occurring in our American church, Br. Christopher continues our series on How the Eucharist Touches our Lives: How has Jesus in the Eucharist touched my life? For each person who accepts the invitation to share their story, the answer will be different, yet the same. Here is how Jesus has touched me:

In my early 20s, I was working at a department store. I liked to read a book during my lunch hour. I was reading “The Friendship of Christ” by Msgr. Robert Hugh Benson. In the book, he spoke powerfully of the Real Presence.

I don’t know how I missed it before. I came from a Catholic Mass-going family, I had been through Catechism classes, the Parish School of Religion, and regular Sunday Mass for years. I must have had a vague sense that Jesus was in the Eucharist, but suddenly it hit me: that it was really HIM! He, Himself, JESUS, was truly in the Holy Eucharist! I remember well the first thought that came to my mind when I really grasped this reality: “Wow, I know someone famous!!”

I know, not the most edifying sentiment, but I was amazed that Jesus Christ, probably the most famous person in the world, was actually in MY parish! Wow!

That afternoon right after work, I drove straight to my parish, St. James Catholic Church in Petaluma, CA, and knelt before the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle, amazed and thanking Him for being there with us. I couldn’t get over it. Wow, Jesus, present there with us day and night, available whenever we needed Him. What love! What goodness!

After that, I became devoted to Eucharistic Adoration, eventually becoming a daily Mass-goer and communicant. I was able to hear Him call me to a religious vocation. Now I am a Trappist monk, a life devoted with my brothers in community to prayer. I still have a nightly appointment with Jesus in our Blessed Sacrament chapel. It is a favorite part of my day that I always look forward to. He is with us!

For more information on the Eucharistic Revival, please visit

Blessing to you,
Your brothers of New Clairvaux

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