Br. Christopher shares on the Sacred Heart: “Friends, we celebrate the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, and in this year when the U.S. Church is fostering Eucharistic Revival, it is interesting to note that the earliest form of this great devotion has its origin at the Last Supper. Specifically, medieval and Cistercian devotion to the Sacred Heart began in reflecting on the Beloved Disciple leaning against the chest of Jesus at that Holy Banquet, in attentive closeness to the most tender of Hearts, in silent contemplation of its ineffable secrets (Jn. 13:21-30). We have the same opportunity at Mass after having received Holy Communion, to lean and listen to the Heart of Jesus Who is truly with us and in us.

Friends, I invite you to take a moment of “Visio Divina” (that is “holy gazing, holy looking”) with the image of Jesus and the Beloved Disciple (who is you!), and contemplate what this image evokes.

Eternal blessings to all,

Your brothers of New Clairvaux

#beloveddisciple #visiodivina #sacredheart #lastsupper #eucharisticrevival