Cistercians are known for devotion to Mary. They know that of all human persons Our Lady most completely corresponded with the Spirit of Her Son. As our Constitutions state, “Each community of the Order and all the monks are dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother and Symbol of the Church in the order of faith, love and perfect union with Christ” (Const. C3.4). Therefore, the Church and each Christian soul cannot do better than to seek to be renewed in the spirit of Mary, the perfect disciple of Christ. We note the following attributes:
- God is Everything for Her.
- Possessed fully by God, all His; Child of the Father. No Rebellion in Her.
- Committed/determined/fearless to carry out God’s wonderful Plan in Christ.
- Views others with compassion, which leads to noticing and serving needs.
- Firm in sublime and true faith: she knows Who God Is.
- Humility: Not interested in personal power or gratification. The Love of God and tenderness with Jesus in enough.
- A follower of Jesus, but imbued with His Authority on behalf of God and His Children.
- Offers God’s Love to others; brings Hope, healing, unlimited forgiveness and love. Not disillusioned by the cost of following that love.
- Sought God’s understanding of every person, situation every circumstance of Her life. True discernment of what is needed.
- Besought God unceasingly for those without awareness of His Love, for sinners; pleading for Mercy, healing. A holy intercessor.
- Expected the Supernatural Providence of God; did not allow difficulties or hardships to distract.
- Trusts absolutely in the Holy Spirit and allows His Power and Acts.
- Mother of Jesus and all humanity; has the Grace of being eternally life-giving.
- Defender of the Trinity, stands up for God in this world.
- Lived in Contemplative Wonder: Noticed God’s works everywhere with awe and love; all was an opportunity to know God and His wonderful ways.
Does this not sound like the renewal we would all like to see?
Your brothers of New Clairvaux
#Mary #devotion #Christ #BVM #Discipleship #Church #Christian