A tractor driving down the path

Fr. Placid speaks on Virtues and Vices: “The parable of the wheat and weeds (Matt 13:24-30) is rich food for consideration as we reflect on the harvest season.
In the case of the Grape Harvest, which cluster to pick and which one to leave for the birds?
Harvest Time is always a good time to evaluate our strengths and weaknesses; or, putting it another way, assess our virtues and vices.
A particular virtue may be helpful at one time in our lives, but then not so much later on.
Referring to the parable, it would seem counterintuitive to let virtues and vices grow side by side, yet interiorly, life makes it so.
For example, patience in stressful times is a good thing; when there is little need to exercise it, it becomes a hindrance and leads to laxity.
Discernment is involved to ensure that our virtues are growing, especially the ones we need to cultivate continually. For our vices, we are to hold them in check and make sure they don’t overrun our virtues.
Someone comfortable with themselves will not over-worry about the two frequently battling each other but work at ensuring that their vices are at a minimum.”

Abundant blessings,

your brother of New Clairvaux

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