Luis and Anthony, Cistercian monks

At this Advent time Br. Christopher speaks on blessings: “I’m big on blessing. I learned this from our dear Fr. Anthony Bellesorte, of happy memory. Anyone who knew him knows that his speech was punctuated with the phrase “God bless you!” It would be present along with a big warm smile at the greeting, find its way into the course of the conversation, and return as the goodbye at the end.
“God bless you” means: I love you. I value you. I want God to pour out all good into your life. Of course, you can’t say THAT to just anyone, especially to strangers. But you can say “God bless you”, which is the same thing, and people generally receive it well. You can say it to receptionists, telemarketers, grocery store clerks, the repairman, the dental hygienist, and of course friends and family. We can spread the blessings wide and far. God never runs out, and if fact, God loves each one of us so much He is waiting for any excuse to pour out blessings, even our poor requests.

Hey Friends! You know what?

God bless you!!

Advent blessings from your brothers of New Clairvaux

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